How to Assess Roof Fatigue

Roof fatigue is none other than wear and tear caused by number of outside factors, like changes in seasons, winter storms, high winds, and even animal infestations.

Roof Evaluation

Checking for roof fatigue is part of the basic evaluation process. You can assess areas of wear and tear on your roof with 5 helpful criteria:

1. Your roof has dark stains.

We touched upon algae growth in a previous chapter, which is most likely to cause streaks and stains on a roof over time. Algae can be effectively removed using roof-friendly cleaning agents to protect the integrity of roofing materials.

2. Your roof has mold.

If mold is clearly visible on the outside of your roof, then it may be growing in the attic of your home. With the presence of mold comes a great likelihood of roof leaks caused by years of outside damage.

3. Your roof has buckling shingles.

While buckling shingles may be unsightly, they can also point to a larger underlying issue. Shingles may buckle as hot air is pushed out of an attic, forcing shingles up from a roof. Buckling shingles can cause stress to a roof and could signify a greater issue of poor ventilation.

4. Your roof has worn shingles.

As shingles wear down in each season, granule loss is natural. Granule loss may also occur on new roofing materials if defective or poor quality products were used. Granule loss is a sign of fatigue that should be addressed immediately to prevent further roof weakening.

5. Your roof is rotting.

If a roof shows visible signs of decay, it can extend beyond basic roof fatigue. Roof rot is directly related to a breach in the moisture barrier of a roof’s structure. A roof must be assessed immediately for damage so that necessary repairs can be made.