The craftsmen at A & J Reliable, Inc. specialize in copper design and custom copper works. Each of our roofing experts are trained and certified by the prestigious Copper Development Program in Denver, Colorado to ensure the highest quality work and most innovative designs. With over 35 years of experience in the industry, we’ll install a copper metal roof that offers exceptional style with unrivaled durability and longevity.
Advantages of Copper Roofs
Copper is considered a premium roofing material that provides a number of benefits to homeowners and commercial building owners in Fairfield CT. Copper roofing is one of the most sustainable types of roofing systems and is designed to withstand severe weather conditions. Its high-resistance to the elements allows for the ultimate protection. Installing copper roofing can even reduce cooling costs, as copper reflects light from your home and building rather than absorbing it.
Premium Roofing Material
Copper is one of the toughest metals used in roofing, making copper metal roofs incredibly strong and long-lasting. When copper roofing is properly designed and installed, it provides the ideal durability to your foundation with a long-term roofing solution. It’s highly-resistant to fire, rain, and other weather conditions. Copper is also a very lightweight material that’s known for its ease of fabrication. The premium material can be shaped to fit just about any requirements, making copper metal roofing easy to install on irregular or uneven structures.
Custom Copper Design
Copper roofing is generally known as the most beautiful and attractive metal roofing option, giving an aesthetically pleasing curb appeal to any style of building. Unlike other roofing materials, copper doesn’t need any painting or finishing to complete its look. With natural weathering, the bright bronze coloring will transform into an elegant, blue-green patina. As patina begins to age over time, it’ll reveal its full-design capabilities that will provide your property with a traditional and elegant look.
Copper Roof Maintenance
The patination provides additional layers of protection to the roofing system, making copper resistant to rust and corrosion. Since the material offers natural coloring and protection, no coating or refinishing will be required throughout the lifespan of the roofing system. In other words, copper roofing doesn’t need any repainting, rewashing or major repairs to be done after it has been installed. Due to its natural characteristics, copper offers a maintenance-free roofing system to homeowners – making it one of the top roofing choices in Fairfield CT.
Installing a copper roof may initially cost you more than other roofing systems, but given its maintenance-free state and life-time durability, home and building owners should consider this as something with a high-investment return. Copper roofing will actually save you more in the long run.
Copper Roofing Fairfield, Connecticut
For more information about our custom copper services or to receive a free quote on copper roofing installation in Fairfield CT, please contact us today by filling out the form below or giving us a call at (203) 861-1891. We’re happy to help with any of your copper needs.